Sim city 5 release date
Sim city 5 release date

sim city 5 release date

They would live on nice single lane roads with maybe some cul da sacs shooting off that road etc. You have a nice suburban part of your town, where say you want your middle to upper class to live. One of the biggest issues I have is simply with the density of zones. It's hard to really say all the issues with the game in just bullet points. I can't build a hospital because I already used my TownHall upgrade for something unrelated so I have to wait. The whole "Upgrade town hall to unlock stuff" Seems silly and unnecessary. I do believe you can build an airport eventually. Were these left out so EA can sell us buildings for $1 each later down the road? Transportation So far it seems all you get are buses. Diversity of buildings Where are all the buildings I want to build? I'm talking places like Museums, Churches, Zoo's, Post Offices, etc. Filled up my entire town in a little over an hour. City Size Of course a huge complaint, other reviews mention this. Is it first day issues? I'm not sure but it was almost ironic when the servers went down. Then the servers went down and I couldn't play. Now for all the Cons: Online DRM I know everyone complains about this. However they leave issues with putting down homes and buildings on them at times. Curved Roads I can actually build a realistic looking town. Works very well for Police, Fire, Schools, etc. Now I can add onto the Firehouse and expand it's coverage that way. I never did like the idea behind "I need more firetrucks? build 5 more fire stations". Modular upgrades Excellent idea, and works very well. Even though I was shocked to see the "sims" looking like lego characters, overall the buildings and houses etc are very pretty. Let's get out the Pro's: Graphics Yes it looks very pretty. Spent about 4 hours with it yesterday and I am quite disappointed in it. Even after all the research I did on other Simcity forums from those who played beta I bought the game.

sim city 5 release date

Sim city 5 release date